Friday, January 9, 2009

Days gone and days yet to come

I am looking through some photos to illustrate a point I want to make in a lecture next week--and it is bitter cold out, snow falling, roads icy--when I came across this. The Marblehead light at Marblehead, Ohio. I enjoyed seeing it all fresh and clean and green and bathed with springtime hues--gorgeous--and I want to share it with you:
Jessica slipped and fell into Lake Erie:
Sun setting on the Davis-Besse cooling tower, Lake Erie:NC


Heather said...

Those are lovely photos - I especially like the cooling tower against a nuclear-pink sky. :)

JJ said...

I so LOVE your photos, awww, someday I'll maybe I'll have the eye for photography that you do. By the way, the salsa classes were TREG'S idea...seriously. I would have chosen swing were it my idea :-)

Clint C. said...

Nate it's good to hear from you. I didn't know that about Ohio. Although my mission was in the Southern part. It makes me a bit "mission sick" whenever I read your blog. Gorgeous photos BTW. I just ran into Mark Smith on facebook, he still seems that innocent good-as-gold person.

Ken Albala said...

You have to love ice. Some of us haven;t seen the stuff for years, outside of a cocktail, that is.

Michelle said...

Uh, if I were Jessica I wouldn't speak to you for a month for posting that picture!

Nathan Crook said...

And do you really think Jessica reads my blog? Bu Waa ha ha ha(evil laugh).


Dorene from Ohio said...

Your web site is fantastic!

Here is a blog post about the builder of the Marblehead Lighthouse:

From Dorene in Ohio (BGSU, '73)