If one pays close attention to the little things in life, like flowers and architecture, one may also notice that "we" are not alone. A close observation of the small details can reveal the existence of wee ones, or Urban Fairies all around--and I have photographic evidence of their existence.
Like this eye-catcher next to the "people" door at Red Shoes at 332 South Ashley:
And this slightly more gritty portal in the exterior wall of Selo/ Shevel Gallery at 301 South Main (even fairies have to deal with a certain amount of urban decay):
Of course urban fairies are much like their much-larger, human counterparts, in that they read, eat, live in houses with doors and front stoops; yet, they live their lives on what may seem to their human neighbors to be a Lilliputian scale with everything that is theirs in miniature. However, to the fairies, their homes seem to fit them just right.
Wow! I love the fairy doors. I used to believe. I wish I still did. Good luck on the 4th. Can't wait to hear the results of your defense.
Not to worry, our belief in fairies is not what makes them real. Nor is our disbelief able to destroy them. They are either real or not. And here we at least have some circumstantial evidence, which aids in our imagining what they could be like, and imagination is the key to the fairy doors.
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